The Beginner’s Guide To Caviar


Caviar is a luxury food that can be expensive and difficult to master. It’s made from the roe (eggs) of fish, and it’s often served as an appetizer or garnish on top of toast points. Caviar comes in many different varieties, including sturgeon, salmon, and paddlefish roe. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about caviar: its history as well as how it’s made and why it costs so much money!

What is caviar?

Caviar is the eggs of sturgeon, a type of fish that lives in rivers and oceans. It’s made from roe (fish eggs), which has been traditionally preserved with salt or vinegar. Caviar comes in three main types: black, gray and red.

Black caviar–also called beluga–is considered to be the best quality because it’s rarer than other kinds, but all types are highly prized for their taste and texture. Each variety has its own distinct flavor profile: Gray tastes salty; red has an earthy flavor with notes of nuts; black is savory with notes of butter or cream cheese if fresh enough.

If you are looking for more ideas on what to serve on an upcoming party, you may also check out our list of 45 Ideas for Party Food and Treats.

How is it made?

Caviar is made from the eggs of sturgeon. After catching a female sturgeon and removing her eggs, they are graded and cleaned before being salted, pressed and packaged.

How much does it cost?

The price of caviar depends on the type and source of the roe. The most expensive caviar comes from sturgeon, which are listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List. This means that they are at risk of extinction in the wild, so only small quantities are harvested from these animals to protect them from overexploitation. You can expect to pay up to $2,000 per kilogram for these rare varieties! If you’re not looking for something quite so pricey or exotic–and let’s face it: who isn’t?–you can find less expensive options that still taste great and won’t break your budget too much ($40-$60/oz).

Can you make your own caviar?

If you want to make your own caviar at home, there are two options:

  • Fish eggs. This is the traditional way of doing things, and it can be done with sturgeon or salmon roe. You will need a salt brine (1 cup salt for every 1 quart water), some fine mesh cheesecloth and a large bowl that can hold about 3 quarts of liquid. Put the fish eggs in the bowl and cover them with cold water; let them sit for 24 hours before draining off any liquid that appears on top of them. Then mix in enough brine so that all of your fish eggs are completely covered; keep stirring until they’re evenly dispersed throughout their liquid bath. Place another layer of cheesecloth over top this mixture and let sit overnight at room temperature–or longer if necessary–until all liquid has evaporated away from underneath its surface level but still remains inside each individual egg sac itself; this process should take anywhere between 24 hours (for small ones) up until 72 hours depending on size/type etcetera). Afterward discard any remaining husks before storing away safely until ready use later down line!”

Caviar is a luxury food that can be expensive and difficult to master.

Caviar is a luxury food that can be expensive and difficult to master. There are many different types of caviar, each with its own unique flavor and texture. The most common type is sturgeon roe, but there are also other varieties such as salmon roe and lumpfish eggs (also known as lumpfish caviar).

While you may think that the only way to enjoy caviar would be by buying it from an upscale store or restaurant where they serve it on toast points or blini with sour cream and onion, there’s actually another option: making your own at home! It’s easier than you might think–and if you follow these simple steps, your homemade dish will look as good as anything served at those high-end establishments…


The bottom line is that caviar is an expensive and luxury food that you can only buy in the UK at Lemberg Caviar Shop.